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来源:家长帮论坛   作者:菜小茹   2018-07-11 20:29:18


  (八)Dear Editor,

  One of my roommates makes a lot of noise when I am trying to sleep at night. Every night, he calls his friends by mobile phone. He often sings and even hits the door loudly. What‘s more, some nights he doesn’t go to bed until 3 or 4 a.m.. As a result, I can‘t sleep well and find it hard to pay attention in class. What should I do?

  Dear Li Lei,

  Noisy roommates are always a problem but you still can do the following. First, try talking to the boy face to face. Does he realize that he is troubling you? It is important he

  understands the problems that he is causing. If there are other students who live together with you, you should also speak to them and find out if they are unhappy with what he does. If the answer is “yes”, you can hold a meeting to discuss the problem and then make some rules. However, if this fails, you must talk with your teachers about it. If you can’t study, your teachers should know about it. Why should you be punished for other‘s mistakes?

  36. We may read two letters in a magazine called _________.

  A. Sports Stars

  B. Movie Time

  C. Modern Car

  D. Student’s Life

  37.    From the student‘s letter, we learn the student’s problem is _________.

  A.    he can‘t sleep well at night because of his roommate’s noise

  B.    his roommate often sings and dances at night

  C.    he always fails the exams

  D.    he can‘t go on well with his teacher

  38.    What does the underline word “realize” mean in the article?

  A. come true

  B. understand

  C. decide

  D. guess

  39. Li Lei feels worried about _________.

  A. his teachers

  B. his classmates

  C. his study

  D. the room doors

  40.    The editor suggests that Li Lei should _________.

  A.    make a face to face talk with the editor

  B.    talk with his roommates or teachers

  C.    make louder noises than the boy

  D.    give some of his money to the boy


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